Ok, out of bed!
Kettle on, cup out, teabag in. It’ll cool down while I’m dressing.
Kettle on, cup out, teabag in. It’ll cool down while I’m dressing.
T-shirt. Hmmm, maybe a black one today, just to be different. Jeans. Belt. Favourite socks. Boots – lace-ups. Takes a little longer than slip-ons but the ritual’s important. Jacket & vest on and out the front door.
Six steps to the garage. Press the button and up goes the door.
Ah, there it is! The Road King. Sitting there waiting to be unchained. Glittering in the morning half-light. Quietly excited. A run, a ride. Please let it be a long one today. Please let me take you to destinations new or old. Doesn’t matter as long as we go.
Free at last! The confining chain lies powerless on the floor, defeated once again.
Back it out onto the street. Ignition. A perfect start leads to perfect throbbing vibration, and a sound that, even muffled, screams, “Here I am!”
Clutch in. Down to first. Twist grip. Hang on.
Left and onto the coast road. Eighteen bends and a last quick left-right-left and we’re on the bridge. Strange to build a bridge that curves and follows the coast, but fun to ride. No cars so far. Must be too early for most.
Glad I chose the coast road. It’s early enough for the sea mist to still hang in the air. That sun is going to burn through this pretty quickly. Not a morning person, huh? How do you explain that grin?
Over the bridge. Start the climb up to the escarpment. A flick of the wrist and we’re moving fast uphill. The first tight bend. Then left, right, left in quick succession. A bunch more bends, left at the top and twist again.
At last! A car, gathered up and devoured in no time flat. My first victim! Ha! Envy the Red Flash, infidel!
Long downhill. Up the other side. Slow for the roundabout and onto the freeway.
Perfect road. Perfect surface. Perfect shame that it’s a Highway Patrol hunting ground. Stay close to the speed limit for a bit.
Can’t do it! Not likely to find radar on the next stretch. Twist the grip and hit the sweet spot. No one behind me. Go! 160 up! Yeah!
“Welcome to Sydney” says the large sign over the road. “Time to slow down a bit”, says I.
Lower speed. More cars. Doesn’t bode well. No cause for worry, so adjust your mental gears. The sun's out. You're on your bike. Enjoy.
The city is waking up around you - more roads, ever more cars. Pay attention.
Tight left coming up. Gear down, and left again, straight onto the old iron bridge. Needs a coat of paint.
Tight left coming up. Gear down, and left again, straight onto the old iron bridge. Needs a coat of paint.
Past the airport. Who wants to fly when I can ride? Down through Billboard Alley. Very expensive ads for very expensive products.
Traffic continuing heavier now as I pass the airport hotels. Harley-Davidson dealer coming up on my left. Slow down. Third gear. Second. Turn into the dealership's parking area. Mates waiting, ready to go.
Traffic continuing heavier now as I pass the airport hotels. Harley-Davidson dealer coming up on my left. Slow down. Third gear. Second. Turn into the dealership's parking area. Mates waiting, ready to go.
“Good ride up?”
"Is there any other kind?!"
"Is there any other kind?!"
excellent! my thoughts exactly!!!!